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Logan Lecture: Sandra Vásquez de la Horra

Raised in a Catholic family, Berlin-based artist Sandra Vásquez de la Horra grew up in Chile during the repressive Pinochet regime. Ideas of healing and deconstructing taboos course throughout her drawing practice, which feature recurring motifs such as words, mountains, volcanoes, and silhouettes of human bodies. Known for her articulate poetry and artistic experimentation with words, Vásquez de la Horra creates artworks that move between the absurd and the affirmation of affection and pleasure.

Join Raphael Fonseca, curator of modern and contemporary Latin American Art, in conversation with Sandra Vásquez de la Horra about her practice and her solo exhibition The Awake Volcanoes at the DAM. Vásquez de la Horra’s Las cordilleras encontradas (The found Mountain Ranges)is currently on view on level 3 of the Hamilton Building.

This lecture is presented jointly by the departments of Latin American Art and Modern and Contemporary Art.

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