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Kids Classes
Summer Art Experiences for Kids! Half-Day classes run Tuesday-Friday from 9:30am-12:30pm or 1:30-4:30pm. Join us for Pack a Lunch if your child is staying for two classes! All-Day classes run from 9:30am-4:30pm and include Pack a Lunch. Have this information handy when registering: name and phone number of your child's doctor; insurance company name and policy number; a list of allergies or special needs.
Members registration starts February 9th at 10am. Members must log in under their member account to proceed. Click the "Create a member account" link in the upper right-hand side of the Sign-In screen if you have never ordered online before. You will need to input your membership ID number, last name, and zip code to proceed from that point. If you have any issues registering online, please call 303-913-0130, 10am-5pm, seven days a week.