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Lectures and Talks

Drawing Inspiration: Lessons from Sendak

Doug Salati, author of the award-winning 2022 picture book Hot Dog, began developing the idea for his book during his Sendak Fellowship in 2015. As an archives assistant at the Maurice Sendak Foundation, Salati immersed himself in Sendak’s creative world, studying original sketches, preliminary drawings, and final works. In this lecture, Salati will share behind-the-scenes insights into his creative process, lessons learned from one of the greatest storytellers of our time, and how Sendak’s methodologies continue to inspire his work today.

Vance Kirkland: Denver Visionary

Vance Kirkland, namesake of Kirkland Museum, was a lifelong painter, art educator, and proponent of modernism in Denver, Colorado. His involvement with the University of Denver, Denver Art Museum, and many of Colorado's artists from 1929 to 1981 left a lasting impact on the cultural landscape of our state. Kirkland Museum's merger with the Denver Art Museum is the culmination of almost 100 years of connections. Join us to learn about this visionary artist and his enduring influence.

Maya D. Wright grew up in Denver and has worked at Kirkland Museum of Fine & Decorative Art since 2005, most recently as Director of Interpretation. She is now on staff at the Denver Art Museum, managing the interpretation and communications aspects of the Kirkland integration.

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