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Creative Classes

1-Day Workshop | Outsider Art: Collage as Self-Expression

*Price includes a $30 Studio Fee for all materials provided.


Class Description:

Whether using paper or fabric, collage has long been practiced by women, people of color, and those without access to a formal art education. In this class, we will examine the history of collage as an outsider art – how women and people of color used material at hand (paper and fabric scraps, for example) to create visual expressions that resonate powerfully today. Students will be asked to channel the spirit of these artists (many of whom remain unidentified) in creating their own works of art from the materials of daily life. The instructor will bring her expertise in history and collage to help students explore this vibrant and accessible art form.


What to Expect:

This class begins with a short presentation of the history of collage as an outsider art, and will include a visit to the Art of the Ancient Americas gallery for inspiration. Students will be asked to find three elements from pieces in the collection to inspire their collage composition. We will examine Enrique Chagoya's Borders of the Spirit in the Art of the Ancient Americas gallery as a way to consider how collage is a powerful medium for exploring identity.


Class Cancellation Policy:

If a class or workshop needs to be cancelled due to inclement weather or teacher illness, a “make-up” day will be scheduled on a FRIDAY or SATURDAY as the educator’s schedule allows.



All materials will be provided for this workshop and are included in the Studio Fee of $30.



Teresa Cribelli started her art career in the archive; inspired by the historical documents she used in her academic research in Brazil, she became interested in the ways that collage can bring the past and the present together. While living in Brazil she was also inspired by the wheat paste street art of Rio de Janeiro. Part of Rio’s vibrant street art culture, wheat paste posters (graphic art printed on paper and pasted to walls) became a type of open-air collective collage she watched for on her daily commute. Inspired by the outsider artists who make street art, she began collecting and then experimenting with vintage papers to make her own collages. Bringing her training as a historian to her practice (she taught Latin American History at the University of Alabama for 11 years) Teresa uses her small-scale analog collages to make visual statements about power, gender, and the environment told through the lens of history. Her work has been shown at Kolaj Fest in New Orleans and Paperworkers Local in Birmingham, Alabama among other venues. Her pieces are held in private collections and in the Doug and Laurie Kanyer Art Collection. Street art pieces based on her collages can be seen in Tuscaloosa and Birmingham, Alabama; Denver, Colorado; Barcelona, Spain; and São Luís, Brazil.

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