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Museum Friends

Museum Friends is a membership package that allows DAM members to deepen their museum involvement and broaden their horizons with a community of like-minded art enthusiasts.

Purchase one of these packages if you are becoming a new member and you'd like the Museum Friends add-on. If you have previously purchased a package, sign in to your member account and select the Museum Friends Package Renewals category that will appear on the right.

Curator Tour of Kent Monkman: History is Painted by the Victors

Join us for an exclusive curator-led tour of Kent Monkman: History is Painted by the Victors, the first major exhibition showcasing the first major U.S. presentation of celebrated artist Kent Monkman (Fisher River Cree Nation). This tour will (more)

Individual + Museum Friends Package

This package includes an Individual DAM Membership plus a Museum Friends add-on.

In addition to your DAM membership, Museum Friends enjoy the following benefits:

  • Free admission to talks by visiting scholars, curators, and lectures by contempo (more)

Dual+ Museum Friends Package

This package includes a Dual DAM Membership plus a Museum Friends add-on.

In addition to your DAM membership, Museum Friends enjoy the following benefits:

  • Free admission to talks by visiting scholars, curators, and lectures by contemporary ar (more)

Family Plus + Museum Friends Package

This package includes a Family Plus DAM Membership plus a Museum Friends add-on.

In addition to your DAM membership, Museum Friends enjoy the following benefits:

  • Free admission to talks by visiting scholars, curators, and lectures by contempo (more)

Contributing + Museum Friends Package

This package includes a Contributing DAM Membership plus a Museum Friends add-on.

In addition to your DAM membership, Museum Friends enjoy the following benefits:

  • Free admission to talks by visiting scholars, curators, and lectures by contemp (more)

Supporting + Museum Friends Package

This package includes a Supporting DAM Membership plus a Museum Friends add-on.

In addition to your DAM membership, Museum Friends enjoy the following benefits:

  • Free admission to talks by visiting scholars, curators, and lectures by contempor (more)

Young Museum Associates + Museum Friends

This package includes a Young Museum Associates membership plus a Museum Friends add-on.

In addition to your DAM membership, Museum Friends enjoy the following benefits:

  • Free admission to talks by visiting scholars, curators, and lectures by (more)

Senior Museum Associates + Museum Friends

This package includes a Senior Museum Associates membership plus a Museum Friends add-on.

In addition to your DAM membership, Museum Friends enjoy the following benefits:

  • Free admission to talks by visiting scholars, curators, and lectures by (more)
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